Escaping The Digital Waterboard

Positive Warrior - David J. Abbott M.D. - Positive Thinking Doctor


I don’t watch television.

I go to the movies once every couple of years.

I don’t text.

I don’t get notifications.

I have no interest in the perpetual noise of our digital world. It does nothing for me. It doesn’t make my life better, and that’s why I ignore it. It’s a distraction from the best things of life.

It’s not that I don’t love sound - I love natural sounds.

I revel in natural sounds.

Birds singing, babbling brooks, wind blowing through the trees, the sound of waves lapping on the shore, waves slapping against the hull of Exit Only, and sails flapping in the breeze are all awesome.

I love going out on the ocean and listening to it’s voice.

The sounds of the wilderness restore my joy.

When I camped in the Arabian Empty Quarter hundreds of miles from civilization, I heard the glorious sound of complete silence.

Scriptures say that Jesus went out into the desert at night to pray, and I can understand why he did it. The desert is a place of total silence that clarifies the mind and sharpens focus. There are zero distractions, and you emerge from the desert with unstoppable purpose.

The digital world is a pathetic substitute for the real one.

The digital world worships at the altar of engagment, and it will do anything to get your attention and maintain it.

Therein lies the problem. Engagement happens at any cost, and the digital waterboarding begins.

The digital waterboard consists of constant notifications from multipile apps, text messages, emails, whatsapps, social media, unsocial media, news media, disinformation, misinformation, lies, Red Bull adrenalin, Youtube boredom, mindless tweets, Tik Tok drivel, and pot stirring podcasts all feeding the minds of the digitally disoriented.

Our minds were not designed for the endless distraction and stimulation of the twenty-first century.

We are overwhelmed and exhausted from continually being on high alert.

The digital world sells us the golden apple engagement, but wraps it in barbed wire - the digital waterboard.

Waterboarding is a method of torture where you tie a person down to a board, put a wet rag in their mouth, and then pour water on the rag. The water fills the victims airways, and waterboarding simulates downing. They choke and gasp for breath, and sometimes they die.

Waterboarding has been used for thousands of years to torture both the innocent and the guilty.

Times have changed, and in the twenty-first century, we are being assaulted by the digital waterboard.

Digital information and disinformation is being poured down our throats, and we are choking and gasping for fresh air.

The most amazing thing of all is that we are doing it to ourselves.

If we turn off all our computers and digital devices, the digital waterboard goes away.

I know this to be true because when I set sail on Exit Only for an offshore voyage, I sail into a digital vacuum. When I drop my docklines, I say goodbye to the digital waterboard.

No more social media, no texts, no phone calls, no emails, no notifications, no digital waterboard, and my life does not end.

The same thing happens when I camp in the wilderness. I leave the digital waterboard behind.

I walk down the non-urgent, non-notification, non-connected path, and life is actually awesome. 

I reconnect with the natural world.  

You don't have to go sailing or out in the wilderness to escape the digital waterboard, but it's hard for the digitally disoriented to do it.

When I was young, I escaped from the Life Long Disoriented, and now I have to escape from the digital waterboard and the Digitally Disoriented.

The digital waterboard is for other people, not for me. 

Dr. Dave


Technology has reached a tipping point. The technology that brought us personal computers and smartphones has turned those devices into the most powerful surveillance tools the world has ever seen.The tools are powerful for many reasons, but the greatest reason is because computers are in all of our homes, and we carry smartphones everywhere we go.

Invisible Cage

Algorithms are an invisible cage, and they saturate every part of your life. Algorithms have converted social media into an echo chamber, an engagement chamber and an enragement chamber. From the time you sign into social media to the time you leave, you are being manipulated by algorithms that have an agenda that is known only to them.


Internet has become the most powerful instrument of social change in history, and it reflects our collective consciousness.It’s the final battleground that will determine the outcome of human history. It’s important to understand that data is not neutral. It’s always collected by people and organizations that have an agenda. People who control the flow of information, who collect and control the data are the ones who will rule the world.

Digitally Disoriented

Data Reportal says that Internet users ages 16 to 64 spend an average six hours, 40 minutes daily surfing the web on any device. That’s about 47 hours a week and 101 days a year. By this estimation, beginning at age 18, a person who lives to be 80 will have spent more than 17 years cruising the World Wide Web. That's 17 years of other people putting things into their mind, and what goes into your mind remains there forever. It's no surprise that so many people become Digitally Disoriented.

Life Long Disoriented

The Life Long Disoriented are a diverse group of individuals from every nation and race who share many characteristics in common. At the most basic level, they don't know who they are or where they are going. They live by default rather than by design, and they are unwilling to do whatever it takes to make their dreams come true. When things don't work out, they always have an excuse, and it's never their fault. They are unable to maintain a sustained focus for the long haul. They are talkers rather than doers. They never commit themselves to anything with all their heart, mind, and strength.


Positive Thinking Doctor

Dr. Dave is the Encourager In Chief of the Positive Thinking Network. He believes there are no limits. There are only limiting beliefs. Dr. Dave is committed to make a positive difference in your life. The wheel of change always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind, and Dr. Dave and the Positive Thinking Network have the resources to turn your life in a positive direction. It's time to develop a persistently positive focus so that you can have a consistently positive mind. It's time to change your world.

The Positive Channel

The best place to get your daily dose of positive thinking is The Positive Channel. Positive thoughts are just a click away. This is your opportunity to change the way you think and feel about who you are and what you can do with your life. If you want to change your life, you must first change the way you think. When you change the things you think about, the way you think about things changes. When you change the things you talk about, the way you talk about things changes. Your new life starts today when you start putting positive things into your mind.

The Positive Channel - Positive Thinking Network - Positive Thinking Doctor - David J. Abbott M.D.

Positive Social Media

Social media has become unsocial. It has degenerated into a truth optional war zone in which people take sides. They draw lines in the sand, and if you are on the wrong side of their line, then a battle begins. 

Social media does not have to be that way. That's why Positive Social Media exists. It's a politics and hate-free zone. If you are tired of unsocial media, and if you want to have a positive social media experience, you are at the right place. A positive social media experience is just a click away.


Maximum Strength Positive Thinking

MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER TODAY WITH MAXIMUM STRENGTH POSITIVE THINKING. You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what you should be talking about. If you don't like what you hear when your mind talks to you, you have the power to change the message. Although the wheel of change turns slowly, it always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind. Maximum Strength Positive Thinking is now available in ebook Format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. INVEST IN A NEW LIFE TODAY AND PUT MAXIMUM STRENGTH POSITIVE THINKING INTO YOUR MIND.

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking - David J. Abbott M.D.

Although I can't control all the events of my life, I can control what I put into my mind. I have sufficient control over my mind to shape the outcome of my life in a way that reflects my goals and aspirations. I have an infinite number of future lives I can live. The way I run my mind determines which of them it will be. Maximum Strength Positive Thinking

When you choose your thoughts, you choose your brain chemistry. When you change your thoughts, you change your brain chemistry. You are not the victim of your brain chemistry. You are its creator. Maximum Strength Positive Thinking

I will live the rest of my life as if I am a great person. I will live as if my dreams are possible and work each day to make them happen. I will act as if I cannot fail. Maximum Strength Positive Thinking

Limiting thoughts are a disguised form of negation. They are a way that I say no to life while pretending that life is saying no to me. Limitations are plausible self-deceptions. They are prefabricated excuses for every failure to be what I want to be and to do what I want to do. Maximum Strength Positive Thinking

I can make a living or make a life. When I make a living, I focus on survival. When I make a life, I focus on my dreams. Maximum Strength Positive Thinking

Owner's Manual For Your Mind

LEARN HOW TO MAKE A LIFE AND HOW TO RUN YOUR MIND . Don't timidly tiptoe through life waiting to go for your dreams. You have only one life. The clock is ticking, there are no timeouts, and there is nothing to wait for. Today is the only day you can make your dreams come true. Seize the day. The Owner's Manual for your mind is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. MAKE YOUR LIFE INTO WHAT YOU WANT IT TO BE TODAY.

Owner's Manual for Your Mind - David J. Abbott M.D.

There are no unchangeable or untouchable areas in your life. There are only areas in your mind where you accept the idea that change is impossible. It's possible to initiate positive change in any area. You do it by making small changes in the way that you think. New ways of thinking become new ways of living. Eventually the small changes accumulate into a mountain of change.Owner's Manual For Your Mind

Each new beginning creates a new ending. When you make a small change, you move in a new direction, and the outcome of your life changes as well. You have an infinite number of lives that you can live. Nothing is unchangeable. Each time you make a new start, you make a new life with a new ending. Owner's Manual For Your Mind

Achievers are not more talented or brilliant than those who don't reach their dreams. However, they possess one critical quality that the rest of the world lacks. They are endlessly persistent in the pursuit of their dreams.Owner's Manual For Your Mind

The probability of making a positive change is inversely proportional to its size. Major changes are tough, and the probability of success in a single massive attempt is low. Small changes are always possible, and there is a high probability of success on the first attempt. Break large changes down into a series of smaller ones so the probabilities are in your favor.Owner's Manual For Your Mind

At the moment of change, there is a shift in your beliefs about who you are and what you can do with your life.Owner's Manual For Your Mind

Programmer's Manual For Your Mind

LEARN HOW TO PROGRAM YOUR MIND WITH A POSITIVE OPERATING SYSTEM. If you don’t program your mind, other people will. Whether you like it or not, you are engaged in mortal mental combat, and your mind is ground zero. If you let your culture, the media, the government, and politicians do the programming, you will be in real trouble. You will not be running your own mind. They will be running it. You will not be living your dreams. You will be living theirs.The Programmer's Manual for Your Mind is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. START REPROGRAMMING YOUR MIND TODAY.

Positive thinking works because it's the natural software for your mind. God designed a positive software package that permits your mind to function at full capacity and maximum efficiency. He created your mind to work best with a positive operating system. Programmer's Manual For Your Mind

Positive thinking truly is the right type of thinking. It's more than a good idea. It's the way your mind was designed to work. Your mind functions best under the influence of positive beliefs.Programmer's Manual For Your Mind

Positive thinking does not make your life perfect. It does not make all your problems disappear or prevent serious illness and accidents. Nevertheless, positive thinking makes your life immeasurably better. No amount of positive thinking takes something bad and turns it into something good; however, positive thinking turns it into something better.Programmer's Manual For Your Mind

Your brain is an affirming machine that affirms the negative just as easily as the positive. It affirms the good, the bad, and ugly with equal facility.Programmer's Manual For Your Mind

Your brain is positive about many things that are factually untrue. And when you are positive about the wrong things, positive thinking gets you into trouble.Programmer's Manual For Your Mind

Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking

LEARN HOW TO STOP DOING DEPRESSION AND HOW TO WIN THE BATTLE FOR A POSITIVE MIND. The challenge you face in depression is to change the way you think. If you want to change the way you think and feel, you are going to have to change your inner dialogue. You are going to have to talk to your mind in a different manner. The battle for a positive mind is fought on the battlefield of focus. In order to break the back of depression, you will have to learn how to persistently and consistently control your mental focus. Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. SEND DEPRESSION PACKING TODAY.

Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking - David J. Abbott M.D.

No matter how positive my life is, thinking negative makes it worse. No matter how negative my life is, thinking positive makes it better. No matter what happens, I choose to think positive.Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking

Every problem has a silver lining, and when I solve the problem, I get to keep the silver lining. The more problems I solve, the richer I become.Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking

When I focus on a thought, I force my mind to look in the direction of that thought. When I consistently focus on it day after day, my life moves in that direction. The focus of my mind expands into my life.Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking

If I am having trouble getting permission to do the things I want to do, I need to take a look in the mirror. The person in the mirror is the only one who can give me permission to go for my dreams.Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking

A positive mind is not an accident. It's the product of positive mental focus. A persistently positive focus creates a consistently positive mind.Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking

Positive Christian Self-Talk

GET IN AGREEMENT WITH GOD ABOUT WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR LIFE. Jesus said, "As you believe, so shall it be done unto you." Jesus was talking about positive expectations. You don't get what you want, you get what you expect. It doesn't matter if your expectations are positive or negative, you still get what you expect. If you want positive self-talk to work its miracle in your life, all of your self-talk must be forged in the fires of positive expectations. Positive Christian Self-Talk is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. JUMP INTO GOD'S OCEAN OF LOVE AND HAVE A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE TODAY.

Positive Christian Self-Talk Blue Book

God has already given you the ability to achieve excellence in at least one area of your life. You already have all the tools you need to be the best you can be and do the best you can do. You just have to do it. Positive Christian Self-Talk

God never asks you to do something without giving you the resources to make it happen.Positive Christian Self-Talk

When you get in agreement with God about who you are and what you can do with your life, your self-talk develops real power and rises to a new level.Positive Christian Self-Talk

Your mind is waiting to hear from you, and you need to send it a positive message.Positive Christian Self-Talk

You need to get in agreement with God so that your self-talk points you in the right direction and gives you the power to make the trip.Positive Christian Self-Talk

Real Power: Maxingout On God's Love

LEARN HOW TO MAX OUT ON GOD'S LOVE. When your mind is full of thoughts consistent with God's love, your thoughts are healthy, and your mind is exactly the way God means for it to be. When your heart is full of emotions consistent with God's love, your emotions are healthy, and they are exactly the way God means for them to be. Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. REAL POWER IS AVAILABLE TODAY WHEN YOU MAX OUT ON GOD'S LOVE.

Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love - David J. Abbott M.D.

The most important fact in the universe is that God loves and accepts you the way you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay that way. He loves you from the top of your head to the tip of your toes, and it does not get any better than that. Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love

Real power happens when you max out on God's love. It transforms your rational mind and heals your damaged emotions. Nothing is more powerful than God's love. When all else fails, when the hand of flesh falls limp, God's love remains unfettered and unstoppable. When his love comes in the front door, misery, despair, and depression head for the emergency exit.Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love

God's love is real power. His love has enough power to heal your heart and transform your mind. Nothing can do what God's love can, and nothing can do it was well. The positive effects last for eternity. You have a new mind and healed emotions, and the cure lasts forever.Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love

You must jump into God's love and have a life transforming experience. When you do that, your life is never the same. You are born spiritually and you become a new person. Old things pass away, and all things become new. You look at the world with new eyes and listen with new ears. You think new thoughts, take new actions, and have a new life.Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love

God's love changes the way you think and feel. He gives you a clean mind and a pure heart. Your old way of thinking and feeling is gone. Your mistakes and failures are cast into his ocean of love. For the first time in your life, you dare to call God your Father and live as one of his children. God's love heals your damaged emotions and washes the toxic waste from your mind. Your negative feelings and guilt are washed away in a tidal wave of love.Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love

Your mind is the door thought which the power of God's love flows into your life. Your mind is where God's love is brought to bear on the problems of life. When you fill your mind with the power of God's love, miraculous things happen. But it was not the mind that made them take place. It was God's love that made the miracle come to pass.Real Power: Maxing Out On God's Love

Quantum Self-Talk

IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO MAKE A QUANTUM LEAP TO THE NEXT LEVEL. Repeat quantum self-talk until your mind repeats it back to you. The power of repetition is immense, and when your mind starts repeating quantum self-talk back to you, hang on tight, because you are ready to make a quantum leap to the next level. You have thousands of quantum leaps to make, and quantum self-talk is a great place to start. Quantum Self-Talk is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. DON'T WAIT FOR YOUR LIFE TO IMPROVE. MAKE A QUANTUM LEAP TO A NEW LEVEL TODAY.

Life is a test, and if you don't quit, you pass the test. Quantum Self-Talk Black Book

Too many people have a false model for change. They try to change their life by trying to change their life, and that is the recipe for failure. They are skipping all the steps that make change possible. First you must change the way you think. You must have new quantum beliefs that take you to the next level.Quantum Self-Talk Black Book

Nothing gradual happens in the quantum life. You jump from one level to the next with each new quantum belief. That is exactly what Jesus meant when he said, "As you believe, so shall it be done unto you." He was not tweaking your life. He was tranforming it to a new level.Quantum Self-Talk Black Book

All beliefs are not created equal. Lots of beliefs keep you exactly where you are and maintain you in a holding pattern.Quantum Self-Talk Black Book

Change takes a long time because people take such a long time getting ready.Quantum Self-Talk Black Book

Positive Self-Talk Yellow Book

BANISH THE WORD IMPOSSIBLE FROM YOUR MIND. Many people believe change is impossible. Most of the time they are confusing personality with behavior. The basic human personality is relatively constant over time, but behavior can and does change. Personal change happens when people change the way they think. I have numerous patients formerly addicted to meth, cocaine, heroine, and alcohol, who escaped their addictions without ever going to rehab. They simply arrived at a point where they no longer wanted to be prisoners of their addictions. They changed their belief about who they are and what they can do, and they became a different person who was chemical free. Positive Self-Talk Yellow Book is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK AND FEEL TODAY.

It really does matter what you say when you talk to your mind. The actual anatomy and physiology of the brain changes in response to what you put into your mind. Change is slow, but it is continuous, and what gets into your mind makes a massive difference in the direction and outcome of your life. Positive Self-Talk Yellow Book

You need to change the way you think about everything. When you look at your past, you need to change the way you think. When you look at the present, you need to change the way you think. When you look at the future, you need to change the way you think.Positive Self-Talk Yellow Book

Your brain lives in a use it or lose it world.Positive Self-Talk Yellow Book

Change is always possible, and you are the one who makes it happen. You are the only one who can change your life, because you are the only one who can change the way you think.Positive Self-Talk Yellow Book

If you tell me your beliefs, I will instantly know whether change is possible in your life.Positive Self-Talk Yellow Book

Positive Self-Talk Gold Book

LEARN HOW TO CONTROL THE STORM OF THOUGHTS BLOWING THROUGH YOUR MIND. Life consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that blow through your mind. The events of life can be trivial, tragic, and even monumental in nature, but the events themselves have little power. It’s the storm of thoughts about those events that controls our lives. Those thoughts are the battleground where you come to your agreement with life. Those thoughts define who you are and what you can do. Positive Self-Talk Gold Book is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. IT'S TIME TO MAKE A POSITIVE WIND BLOW THROUGH YOUR MIND WITH POSITIVE SELF-TALK FROM DR. DAVE.

Life consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that blow through your mind. The events of life can be trivial, tragic, and even monumental in nature, but the events themselves have little power. It's the storm of thoughts about those events that controls our lives. Positive Self-Talk Gold Book

When a storm of thoughts begins its assault, damage control should be your highest priority. Most storms are not survival storms unless you transform them into a survival situation by focusing relentlessly on them. When you focus on a mental storm, you increase its power.Positive Self-Talk Gold Book

Remember the Rule of Storms: Storms pass. They do not come to stay. If you do not fight against them, if you refuse to engage them, it won't be long before the storm moves on.Positive Self-Talk Gold Book

I have three cardinal rules for managing storms of the mind. First, avoid storms whenever possible. Don't go there. Second, don't engage whenever possible. Third, hold position quietly and fearlessly while waiting for the storm to pass.Positive Self-Talk Gold Book

You cannot avoid all of the storms of the mind, but you can avoid most of them by not going where storms happen.Positive Self-Talk Gold Book

Positive Self-Talk Silver Book

LEARN TO SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF THE MIND. Your brain speaks to you in its own language, and if you speak to it in the same way, it immediately responds in a powerful fashion. That’s why change proceeds most rapidly when you talk to yourself using the language of the mind. If you don’t speak the language of the mind, you may as well stop talking until you learn it. Positive Self-Talk Silver Book is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. YOUR MIND IS WAITING TO HEAR FROM YOU, SO SEND IT A POSITIVE MESSAGE TODAY.

You can change who you are by changing what you say when you talk to your mind. Just be sure you are speaking in a language that your mind understands. Positive Self-Talk Silver Book

The three most powerful components of the language of the mind are images, sounds, and emotions.Positive Self-Talk Silver Book

Most people try to communicate with their mind using words, which is extremely inefficient. Positive Self-Talk Silver Book

The language of the mind is not a mystery. It consists of visual and auditory inputs mixed with a variable amount of emotional glue. Strong auditory and visual inputs in combination wtih compelling emotion pass straight into your mind.Positive Self-Talk Silver Book

Emotion is the super glue of the brain. Great ideas pass through your mind at the speed of light, but none of them stick unless there is a strong dose of emotion attached to the idea.Positive Self-Talk Silver Book

Positive Self-Talk Purple Book

IT'S TIME TO START LIVING AS IF YOU ARE A GREAT PERSON. Living small serves no great purpose. Living as if you are a great person is a powerful idea that changes lives, and those who take it seriously change their world. Living as if you are great means you live as if your dreams are possible and work each day to make them happen. You act as if you cannot fail. If you ever become great, it will be because you think great thoughts, repeat great self-talk, have great expectations, and act as if you cannot fail. Positive Self-Talk Purple Book is now available in ebook format at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO START LIVING AS IF YOU ARE A GREAT PERSON.

When you change your expectations, you change your life. Positive Self-Talk Purple Book

Positive self-talk does not work forever. It works a day at a time. If you don't repeat positive self-talk every day, it will not work, because every day you must build a new bridge to your dreams.Positive Self-Talk Purple Book

If you are repeating the same self-talk today that you did a year ago, something is wrong. If you have the same expectations today that you had a year ago, it's time to make serious changes. If you want to live as if you are a great person, new self-talk and new expectations are in order.Positive Self-Talk Purple Book

Great people have great expectations, and they continually work on their dreams. They believe there is no limit to how good their life can become.Positive Self-Talk Purple Book

Limiting thoughts are a disguised form of negation. They are a way that I say no to life while pretending that life is saying no to me.Positive Self-Talk Purple Book

Positive Self-Talk Red Book

IMAGINE HOW GOOD YOUR LIFE WOULD BECOME IF YOU HAD A CONSISTENTLY POSITIVE MIND. A persistently positive focus creates a consistently positive mind. The same is true of your self-talk. It must be persistent, positive, and specific to have maximum impact. Lack of persistentce has laid more dreams to rest in the cemetery of failure than any other cause. There is zero chance that you will succeed on your first attempt. If your dreams are great, you will fail again and again on your way to the top. Positive Self-Talk Red Book is now available at Amazon, iTunes, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. DEVELOP A PERSISTENTLY POSITIVE FOCUS TODAY WITH POSITIVE SELF-TALK FROM DR. DAVE.

Your brain is an affirming machine, and it spends all its waking hours affirming things about who you are and what you can do with your life. You brain is positive about everything in your life. It may be wrong, but it is never in doubt.Positive Self Talk Red Booke

Your mind is positive about many things that are simply untrue. It affirms all of your limiting beliefs from the past.Positive Self Talk Red Book

Although your mind is an affirming machine, you don't have to believe everything it says. If you believe everything your mind tells you, it will not be long before you are in trouble. The brain excels in its ability to pump out affirmations, but it's a miserable failure at separating truth from error and the positive from the negative.Positive Self Talk Red Book

When your mind pumps out negative affirmations, it becomes a weapon of mass destruction that ruins your life.Positive Self Talk Red Book

The war for a positive mind is fought on the battlefield of focus.Positive Self Talk Red Book

Positive Newsletter

The Positive Newsletter is straight up positive thinking. Each newsletter contains at least one powerful idea that you need to put into your mind and make a part of your life. The newsletter is short and sweet so you won't have to waste valuable time trying to find the good stuff. The wheel of change always turns in the direction of your mind, and it's time to turn your life in a new direction. Your mind is waiting to hear from you, and you need to send it a positive message.

Positive Christian Newsletter

When it comes to newsletters, one size does not fit all. Some individuals want a newsletter with a Christian flavor, while others want one with a secular flavor. The Positive Christian Newsletter is for those who want to organize their lives around positive Christian principles. If you want to get in agreement with God about who you are and what you can do with God's help, this newsletter is for you. It's time to jump into God's ocean of love and have a life transforming experience. For your entire life, you will sink or swim in God's ocean of love.

Save A Tree Bookstore

Although I like the feel of a paper book in my hand, I love trees even more. When people purchase an eBook, they actually save trees and save money as well. Ebooks are less expensive and have no negative impact on the environment. All of Dr. Dave's books are available at Save A Tree Bookstore. Visit the bookstore today and start putting good things into your mind. It's easy to fill your mind with positive things using eBooks. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you can pull out your smart phone or tablet and start reading. You can even use electronic highlighters and make annotations in your eBooks just like paper books.

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